Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The final updates and links post for 2010

I wasn't planning on any more update/link posts for this calendar year but a few things have popped up and I thought I'd share one last time before the year is out.

Summer Wars which I've mentioned several times finally gets a theatrical run before it hits DVD in February. The film is playing in NYC at the IFC Center and is worth a trip.

The BAM Kids Film Festival is the first weekend in February at The Brooklyn Academy of Music starting the 2011 film festival cycle. Randi, John, Bully and myself will be attending Moomins and the Comet Chase. The schedule of films appears to be quite good and I recommend it, with one word of warning: many of the films are subtitled, which will be read out by actors. Sometimes this works and sometimes not. I don't like it, but that's me. The schedule can be found here.

A piece of Jacques Tati and The Illusionist by Roger Ebert can be found here.

Pondering if its worth going to the movies.

Man in a Blizzard.

Variations on the end of year list theme:
Reject movies of 2010
Over Rated Movies of 2010
Great Films You May Have Missed

And a few more Christmas links:
The Best Christmas Movies
Christmas Movie Poster Mash Ups
Lesser Known Holiday Movies
Carol of the Bells ala The Muppets

As the year ends I feel I need to apologize to John Stanley who took over from Bob Wilkins as host of Creature Feature in San Fransisco and the Bay Area. Mr Stanley has put out a whole bunch of great DVDs from his tenure as host of the show, including two sets of complete shows including commercials. Back in September after I got the DVDs I emailed him to say I was having a blast with the discs and I told him I was planning on doing an entry on the blog about them after the craziness of the NYFF and NY Comicon.

Well, truth be told in the mad dash of the bad back, the FF and the convention I misplaced the DVDs. I know approximately where they are, but I'm not sure. And until I actually find them I can't do the post the way I want to. The post is coming, hell, a portion of it is written and sitting waiting for the details of the discs to be filled in. Hopefully it will be soon.

Until that happens could you all go over to Mr Stanley's website and buy some stuff? There are all sorts of cool DVD's and books. Actually if you want a great reference book on genre films pick up his Creature feature Guides, because not only are the informative, they are simply great reads. As for the DVD's any of them are good. From the full episodes to the discs that are collections of his wonderful interviews, all are just good times on the couch. Actually Mr Stanley's interviews are light years ahead of most interviews on genre subjects that you're likely to find because he knows his subject and he refuses to ask stupid questions or talk down to or about his guests. His website can be found here.

Lastly as 2010 winds down I want to thank you for taking the time to stop by. While we probably would still be doing this if there wasn't an audience, its nice to know that there are some people who are looking to go off the board and see something other than the big Hollywood movies.

From all of us here at Unseen Films a very Happy New Year.

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